Educate and inspire your employees with a year’s worth of free content as you take part in raising awareness about national and global topics.
These resources will provide helpful insights and reminders to effectively communicate and engage your employees — in and out of the workplace.
Generating relevant and meaningful content for your communication program can be overwhelming and time-consuming. That is why we have created our awareness videos to help you boost your employees’ engagement in important causes. Each monthly resource focuses on a specific topic that is applicable to your employees across any industry.
Foster a work environment that not only values diversity but also cultivates inclusivity, honoring each individual's unique qualities. This free video resource is designed to guide you in establishing a workplace where equal opportunities and personalized accommodations are the norm for every team member.
When disasters strike, it’s crucial to know what to do before, during, and after the catastrophe. Share the importance of emergency preparedness and outfit your employees with these safety precautions to help them prepare to be ready at all times.
#BeThe1To is the message for National Suicide Prevention Month. Educate your employees on this important philosophy and teach them actionable steps for supporting this worthy cause.
Raise awareness about the importance of hearing and how it can impact your life, both at home and in the workplace. This month’s free informative video discusses what noise-induced hearing loss means, its causes and symptoms, and what you can do to prevent it.
This month, we’re putting breast cancer in the spotlight in an effort to raise awareness about the importance of getting screened, recognize organizations striving to find a cure, and encourage others to remind loved ones to conduct self-exams. Show your employees how easy it is to get involved with October’s video!
Improve your overall health by giving extra care and closer attention to your skin. Celebrate National Healthy Skin Month by sharing valuable information and tips to strengthen your defenses against contact dermatitis and other skin diseases.
Every November, the diabetic community and their loved ones come together to educate the world about what it’s like to live with diabetes and how to prevent a diabetes diagnosis. November’s video shines a light on preventative measures and helps employees gain a better understanding of the disease.
As the holidays are approaching, people are starting to plan and prepare for travel, vacations, and family gatherings. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of this season expose you to holiday hazards—stay safe and aware of the common risks associated with these festive celebrations.
National transportation statistics show an increase in impaired driving each year in December. Do your part to share the dangers of even minor impairments and help your employees safely prepare for the holiday season.
Start the year right by committing to a fitness goal together with your family or friends. Celebrate the month of Family Fit Lifestyle by downloading our insightful video about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and some helpful tips on becoming fit as a family.
1 in 7 patients who enter the hospital will use donated blood. January’s video explains how to get involved, reasons to become a donor, and how the donations are used.
This February, learn how you can reduce your risk of cancer together with your colleagues and family. Download our National Cancer Prevention Month video to help spread awareness of the disease and how we can prevent it.
When you promote National Heart Health Month, you are encouraging your employees to adopt healthier lifestyles designed to prevent heart disease. Grab this resource designed to give practical steps for making heart health a regular part of your employees’ daily routine.
Share our free video to raise awareness about the importance of kidneys and promote healthy habits and an active lifestyle to help prevent kidney disease.
Encouraging healthier, happier lifestyles can start at work. You can download our free awareness video to spread the word via digital signage in your workplace today!
Stress is a normal reaction to changes or challenges that can affect your physical and mental well-being. Recognizing and managing stress involves identifying its root causes, engaging in healthy coping mechanisms, and seeking professional help when necessary.
1 out of 4 car accidents is due to texting while driving, but distracted driving includes so much more. Educate your employees on what constitutes distracted driving and offer tips for avoiding unnecessary distractions with April’s informative video.
Maintaining heart health is crucial for preventing chronic diseases and reducing the risk of a stroke. Our free resource this month lists the different risk factors, warning signs, and healthy steps you can take to safeguard your health and raise awareness about strokes.
1 in 5 U.S. adults experience a mental health condition each year. Provide your employees the tips they need to feel comfortable protecting their own mental well-being and seeking out help when needed.
Understanding the triggers and signs of headaches and migraines can help you take proactive measures to avoid the attacks. Empower yourself with the right information and healthy lifestyle changes to help reduce the frequency and severity of these events.
The easiest way to maintain a safe work environment is to prevent incidents before they start. Share these proactive safety tips for building a daily “safe at work” culture.
Prioritizing sun safety helps maintain healthy skin, reduces the risk of premature aging, and protects against the potential dangers of excessive UV exposure. Understand the benefits and risks of UV radiation and take proactive measures to protect your skin and enjoy the summer season.
Barbecues and fireworks are great ways to enjoy your summer holidays, but both can also pose serious safety risks to your employees. Use these reminders to keep your employees - and their families - safe throughout the summer months.
Welcome the new school year by preparing and equipping yourself and your children with the necessary knowledge covered in our video. By teaching your kids safety practices and promoting responsibility and independence, you can help create a safe environment for them throughout the year.
Taking care of your eyes should be your priority as they help you navigate your everyday life. Additionally, good vision results in better efficiency and higher productivity. Share our free video to understand the importance of eye examinations and maintaining good eyesight.
Since the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) was passed nearly 4 decades ago, on-the-job deaths and reported employee injuries have been reduced by over 60%. Join OSHA in their annual “Safe and Sound” initiative to continue the trend of maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.
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Access our full collection of content templates with the professional content library add-on. Inside you’ll find industry-specific content, workplace safety tips, health and wellness reminders, and more.