Empower Employees to Get Heart Healthy this February
Getting Heart Healthy Saves Lives
Did you know that cardiovascular diseases and heart concerns result in more annual deaths across the United States than all cancers combined? Heart health isn’t just something to be aware of, it’s something to prioritize! This February, the nation will highlight Heart Health Month in order to raise awareness about the impact of heart-related diseases and focus on the ways we can be more heart healthy.
By calling out the things that put us at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, you can encourage employees at your organization to make better choices when it comes to what they put in their body and how often they seek out physical activity. Heart health impacts all of us, and it’s crucial to stay on top of our health in order to live long, healthy lives.
You can remind your employees of the importance of prioritizing heart health this February by downloading our free awareness video. It covers information about the leading causes of cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases and beneficial ways to be more heart healthy. Don’t hesitate to encourage heart health at your organization - you could save lives.