Invest in Your Heart Health to Help Prevent Strokes

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Download Your FREE National Stroke Awareness Month Video Now

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Don’t Let a Stroke Strike!

Every year, millions of people worldwide are affected by strokes---a serious medical condition that can result in life-threatening complications. Early intervention can make a huge difference in preventing this, so it's crucial to know its risk factors and warning symptoms.

Unhealthy lifestyle choices, genetics, diabetes, and high cholesterol are some of the most common factors that increase your risk of a stroke. By maintaining a healthy diet, staying physically active, and managing your underlying health conditions, you can protect yourself and ensure your overall well-being. Invest in your heart health today and start taking proactive measures to reduce your risk of a stroke. Download and share our free video to advocate for healthier choices this National Stroke Awareness Month!

Additional Monthly Awareness Resources

Indigo’s video resources are derived from national and international monthly observances to help you raise awareness and share valuable tips for your employees.

Each video focuses on a different topic, so you can quickly plan out your annual communication calendar and download a new video for each month of the year. We’re regularly adding new content for each month, so check back often to download the latest videos.

Get Your Monthly Awareness Resources