Digital Signage Software for Financial Institutions

Elevate your branch or location experience by sharing market news, money tips, and more using professionally designed templates for your lobby signs.


Create your free account. No credit card required.

How Indigo Serves the
Finance Industry

  • Templates to highlight the products and services offered by your branch
  • Integrated widgets for stock tickers, interest rates, and financial news
  • Banking signage professionally designed to increase engagement and improve your customers’ perception of wait times
  • Remotely manage your digital signs to update content for multiple branches from any location in just minutes

Bring Your Screens to Life with Your Favorite Apps!

Make the most out of your digital signage with Indigo's apps and business tool integrations. Connect apps you use to showcase real-time data to inform your audiences and create dynamic displays to boost engagement. Our intuitive interface makes it easy to integrate and manage your apps to improve your communication, workflow, and productivity.

Smart Features for Banks


Easily update time-sensitive financial details, including your most competitive interest rates. Grab attention with eye-catching designs that upsell your targeted loan and account offerings.


Improve brand awareness and social engagement by sharing your latest posts and encouraging customers to follow your social profiles. Build social proof and build new traffic by sharing recent reviews and customer feedback from your social accounts.

Weather Updates

Improve the customer experience by sharing local weather forecasts and alerts. Simply enter the zip code of your local branch to keep visitors informed and weather-alert during adverse conditions.

Digital Signage Templates for Finance

Engage your customers with professionally designed content.

See Indigo in Action


Let us prove that Indigo Vizual is the easiest way to get started with digital signage. We’ll help you get up and running in minutes with our intuitive, yet robust digital software that can be adapted to fit your unique business goals.

We’re also happy to answer any questions you have about digital signage and how Indigo can help your organization - no strings attached.